Friday, September 13, 2019

Compost the Journey to Create Healthy Soil

I started composting when I was a around 10 years old. It came about so we wouldn't be throwing away all the grass clippings when I mowed the yard. Eventually I added food scraps and created a true compost pile. This was not a quick process and it seemed to go in stages where the pile would be too hot and then go cold. Truth be told I never really had the pile at the right balance or nitrogen and carbon but it was great to know we really cut down on sending organic mater to the landfill. Now that I'm older I wanted to reduce my outputs into the waste stream and went back into composting. Only issue is I don't have the large yard I had growing up but one considerably smaller. This lead me down the path to other methods of composting such as with worms and I started a 5+ years ago on this path I already post videos to YouTube following my adventures and with easy to follow directions on setting up your own system. I'm starting to blog to bring up things that don't need a video but I want to put out there so others can learn from my success and failure as I continue with worm composting and as I branch out to other methods.